rabble rousing

This speech was presented at the opening session of the Audience Engagement track at this year’s TCG Conference in Dallas, June 6-8, 2013. The conference was designed on an academic theme, so each track was considered a “major.” Dear Majors in Audience Engagement, We all come to this conference with...

  • June 10, 2013

On early Monday, August 6th – right after my densest stretch of work in a long time – I got to join in the collective joy that was the landing of the Curiosity rover on Mars.I was crying on my couch at headset chatter and strangers eating peanuts. I hadn’t...

  • August 9, 2012

One of my favorite things about summer in an arts organization is that you get a couple of precious weeks where, in between the planning and the subscription mailings, there’s a little fallow time where you can sometimes rise above the fray and say, HEY. What are other people doing...

  • July 20, 2012
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This afternoon, the New York Times ran a story by Patrick Healy about the producers of Three’s Company & their reaction to 3C, a play by David Adjmi. At issue is the question of copyright and intellectual property, fair use vs. parody and/or transformative, derivative work. Healy cites productions such...

  • July 17, 2012
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I should be writing other things. And I hate to have two posts in a row reacting to Michael Kaiser’s posts at Huffington Post. But here we are. Instead, here are some quick reactions to Kaiser’s latest post about social media directly from Twitter. [View the story “Social Media on...

  • June 5, 2012
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