rabble rousing

The non-profit model is living on borrowed time. The current model is dying. Even still, I think we spend more time trying to figure out how to fund a show than actually making the show. Read: The way we make money to make art is not sustainable. Insanity: Doing the...

  • August 24, 2011
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Tonight, more than 70 theatre companies across Canada are presenting staged readings of the play Homegrown by Catharine Frid. Why? Read J. Kelly Nestruck’s piece about the SummerWorks Festival and how the Department of Cultural Heritage has seriously–and at the last minute–cut funding to the festival. Then read playwright Michael...

  • July 15, 2011

It’s been a month since the first Dramatists Guild National Conference. In that month, three things have stayed with me: Mame Hunt’s declaration to playwrights to stop writing realism, Julia Jordan’s keynote speech on gender parity, and Marsha Norman’s comment that we need to hear everyone’s stories at the gender...

  • July 12, 2011
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Join us this weekend at City Theatre in Miami for the CityWrights Conference 2011. We’ll be livestreaming several sessions via NewPlayTV. We’ll also be tweeing throughout the conference using both the #2amt and #cwc11 tags over on Twitter. Send questions, comments and conversation our way. Below is a schedule of...

  • June 23, 2011
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John Lahr, New Yorker theater critic, wrote a piece on Julie Taymor’s frustration with the process of creating a new theatrical work in the era of instant feedback, Twitter, and focus groups. It’s a great piece, full of historical perspective on the role of audience (that is to say, amateur)...

  • June 22, 2011
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