the future

Peter Marks (Washington Post) hosted a conversation with DC area artistic directors about representation of women and people of color on our stages. Participants: Paul Tetreault, Molly Smith, Eric Schaeffer, @ryanrilette, and Patta Tsikurishvili. (Details:
…Then ish got real.

  • February 19, 2014
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If you have sat around a computer for any length of time over the last five years hashing out any of the ‘issues’ around (particularly) American Theatre you have found yourself invariably infuriated, sullen, and withdraw because the topics are circular and, because the answers are hard, evergreen. I swear...

  • March 19, 2013

Are you registered to vote in this year’s election? I shouldn’t have to tell you why it’s important, especially this year and especially if you work in the arts. But whichever way you decide to vote, it’s important that you have the chance to do so. 2amt has teamed up...

  • September 6, 2012

One of my favorite things about summer in an arts organization is that you get a couple of precious weeks where, in between the planning and the subscription mailings, there’s a little fallow time where you can sometimes rise above the fray and say, HEY. What are other people doing...

  • July 20, 2012
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I’ve been thinking more and more about my responsibility as an artist. And just typing that feels a little weird—the idea that artists have responsibilities other than to their art. But our work does more than just sit there in our heads. It wanders out of our skulls and into...

  • March 31, 2012
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Here in DC, it’s season roll-out time. The major theatres are sending out press releases listing the plays they’ll be tackling in their 2012-13 season, making each seem like a precious gem that audiences would be fools to miss. Recently, after two major theatres went public with their season and...

  • March 14, 2012
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Biodiversity is the practice of cultivating and sustaining a broad array of species in a given ecosystem. The opposite is monoculture. Monoculture is the practice of limiting species in a given ecosystem. Agriculturalists and eco-warriors promote biodiversity because they have found (and history has proven, see: Potato famine) the prevalence...

  • March 7, 2012
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