rabble rousing

This Saturday, we’re hosting a convening on artistic excellence at FoolsFURY. This convening arises from a belief that, as a field, we have serious difficulty having useful (and sometimes hard) conversations about the quality/excellence of each other’s work. We do this fine, at the bar, without the artists present. But...

  • June 10, 2011

I’m live-blogging the first-ever Dramatists Guild conference. Please feel free to log on and either lurk or join the conversation. If there are opportunities for questions, and you submit any, I’ll try to sneak them in. I may also be tweeting from time to time if you’d rather follow along...

  • June 10, 2011

The Follow Friday posts are back! We look at communities remembering their own stories and pulling together to give to the arts, philanthropy from donors and from theatre companies themselves, playwrights living in towns small and large. We also look at theatre companies working together and, well, working at all....

  • June 3, 2011

I may be using Jim McCarthy’s name as an expletive for the next several days, but those that followed that first conversation that led to me applying and being granted a TED license to organize an independently organized TED event on the future of the arts industry will tell you...

  • May 5, 2011
  • 1

So you’re at the Humana Festival of New American Plays and you’ve got a few minutes. You’ve seen the art, you’ve looked at the gifts, you’ve had a beer. Maybe you’re in the mood to play a game. Maybe you’re looking for something to engage audiences at your own theatre...

  • April 1, 2011