Happiness is equilibrium. Shift your weight. — Tom Stoppard, The Real Thing Over at Arts Journal, they’re hosting a discussion & debate this week called Lead Or Follow? In their words, “Increasingly, audiences have more visibility for their opinions about the culture they consume. Cultural institutions know more and more...
Sometimes its not the information you consume, it’s how you use it: Fertile Ground Festival Project Lear’s Follies did a clever thing recently. They snagged a link that was much shared around #2amt circles (the Marie Claire article about theatre being behind only sex and exercise for creating happiness)and turned...
I have spent the past couple days trying to get back into the real world. There is always this time period when you have taken a vacation and now need to get back to work and the world you put off for a week or so. While on vacation I...
Soon after I wrote this Forum Theatre post on the Bechdel Test, the question arose: what might be a similar test for LGBT characters? Being both gay and up for the challenge, I gave it a try. Here it is: The Test – Does the movie have? 1. An identifiable...
A few weeks ago, during the TCG Fall Forum, I saw an interesting Twitter conversation and felt compelled to wade in. Kristoffer Diaz had written: Disappointed at the lack of response to question about non-financial contributions of potential board members. #tcgff My response was that every board member should give,...
Once upon a time, perhaps 15 or 20 years ago, I read a really fascinating article which posited that the arts would get more coverage in the media if they opened themselves up and provided greater access to the media. It suggested that the arts were working too hard to...
What can we learn from the birth of the regional theatre movement? Which arts administrator has reached a mass-critical critical mass? Where did Verdi and Shakespeare work to support their writing habits? How many theatres are we going to have to occupy? Why do we call it play? These are...
a #neverbedark approach to making more art Three years ago, at Sycamore Rouge, we built six acting cubes, and it not only changed the way we rehearsed- it changed the way we opened the doors to artmaking. Like many theatres, we produce a five-show mainstage theatre season. We have a...
Thanks to Travis Bedard, I don’t need to say anything about Michael Kaiser’s latest post. And if that weren’t enough, you could read more from Jeremy Barker and Isaac Butler in reaction. I will say this. The irony of complaining about citizen bloggers in a post at the Huffington Post...
…and what it means for our future. I was a lucky audience member for the Oct 26th SDC Zelda Fichandler Award presentation at Arena Stage (which was given, this year, to Blanka Zizka of Wilma Theater). I wanted to attend, in part, because I had just joined the stage directors...