A conversation broke out during the hockey game that is Twitter last week around the topic of gender equity, or the lack thereof, in the theatre. This eventually led to an offshoot on the nature of inclusion as a whole. There is a gnarled thicket of issues blossoming fruitfully underneath...
“Theatre inspires me.” “Theatre teaches me about myself, and helps me to understand why other people do what they do.” “Theatre relaxes me.” “Theatre teaches me empathy.” “Everyone in my life was a backstabber or a deceiver. I never knew what trust was until I started making theatre.” I didn’t...
After the first sustained pause in the conversation between (sober) theatremakers the party question of choice is “what is your dream project?” It’s a fun topic and generally it means you don’t have to talk for a minute which limits your probability of saying something stupid. It works best for...
Not just any bookstore, but specifically this bookstore: Montague Bookmill in Montague, Massachusetts. Seth Godin sums it up well when he stated: This is the bookstore of the future, because it’s not a business trying to maximize growth and ROI. No, it’s a place, an attitude, an approach to an...
So many live, perishable experiences hang on the decision to leave the house, the decision to take the trouble to go to the venue before the event no longer exists. I remember weighing the $20 cab fare it would cost me to make it to Mandel Hall at the University...
This week is all about the Devised Work convening hosted by the Arena Stage doing their level best to truly be a center for new American play development. They scooped up a raftload of folks not frightened off by DC’s recent uncharacteristic winter weather event and we will be discussing...