new play development

Let’s see if I have this straight. Women write about bias–unconscious or not–in an industry, they set up a group to support fellow women in said industry, men immediately comment on social media about how this isn’t really a problem, maybe these women are biased, because it damn well isn’t...

  • March 19, 2015

Peter Marks (Washington Post) hosted a conversation with DC area artistic directors about representation of women and people of color on our stages. Participants: Paul Tetreault, Molly Smith, Eric Schaeffer, @ryanrilette, and Patta Tsikurishvili. (Details:
…Then ish got real.

  • February 19, 2014
  • 21

As a developing company creating and producing work off-center from standard theatrical fare in the Washington area, dog & pony dc (d&pdc) has found the Capital Fringe Festival a vital developmental partner. Producing shows through and in conjunction with Cap Fringe enabled our 4 ½ year old company to experiment...

  • September 6, 2012

One of my favorite things about summer in an arts organization is that you get a couple of precious weeks where, in between the planning and the subscription mailings, there’s a little fallow time where you can sometimes rise above the fray and say, HEY. What are other people doing...

  • July 20, 2012
  • 2

Somewhat by accident, I stumbled into a weekly twitter conversation about new play development (hashtag #newplay) despite the fact that I am not a playwright. What I am is a university professor who for six of the ten years I spent in academic administration led a large theatre/film school whose...

  • May 9, 2012
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