The space and conventions around a live performance determine whether it is fundamentally inclusive or exclusive. When an arts organization or producer decides to charge $100 for a ticket, and another decides to put on a show for free, either performance can be “legitimate” and draw a large crowd, if...
Eric Ziegenhagen
O the ill-lit, often lonely corners of the Internet where theater-company blogs reside! O the carefully eked-out production notes and interviews and dramaturgy, still photos and videos and audio conversations—sometimes engaging, sometimes profound, sometimes beautiful—that end for eternity with Comments (0)! Unless a relative, friend, or fellow company member sees it, in...
I’m sure they’re clean. I’m sure you’re a good host. I’m sure they’re stocked with ample and appropriate paper products for your anticipated audience, and that the plumbing works. Is that it? A few weeks ago, I wrote how theater lobbies are often functional, neutral spaces—closer in design and function...
So many live, perishable experiences hang on the decision to leave the house, the decision to take the trouble to go to the venue before the event no longer exists. I remember weighing the $20 cab fare it would cost me to make it to Mandel Hall at the University...
A Thai restaurant opens on your block. Or a taqueria, or a sports bar, or a coffeehouse with nightly live music. At some point, if the signs are in a language you understand and the place has windows and the price is right, you’re likely to check it out. Now:...
Concerts. Big concerts—arena size. I often hear and read how potential audiences, if they’re not going to theater, are going to arena-size, celebrity-driven concerts. And if they’re not at a big concert, they’re at home watching American Idol or Lost. None of this is true. Sure, every week tens of millions are streaming Netflix,...
Not long ago, I finally went to Great Lake Pizza in Chicago. In 2009, GQ magazine declared that Great Lake makes the best pizza in the United States. Articles about the particulars of the pizza and of the restaurant’s proprietor soon followed. Sharply divided reviews also followed. I loved the pizza I...