
Or more precisely, just listen, as this is just the audio from Michael Kaiser’s appearance at Portland Center Stage last week. Whether you agree or disagree with his advice and observations, it’s worth a listen. Some of his advice applies more towards the large, institutional theatres and, in many ways,...

  • May 17, 2010

Not just any bookstore, but specifically this bookstore: Montague Bookmill in Montague, Massachusetts. Seth Godin sums it up well when he stated: This is the bookstore of the future, because it’s not a business trying to maximize growth and ROI. No, it’s a place, an attitude, an approach to an...

  • April 11, 2010
  • 7

Full disclosure. I am by trade a playwright. I may be an artist-in-residence, producer, sound designer, graphic designer, voiceover artist and marketing department for my own theatre company, which, yes, I co-founded. Those are things I do and can do. But I identify myself as a writer. With that in...

  • March 16, 2010
  • 14

Concerts.  Big concerts—arena size.  I often hear and read how potential audiences, if they’re not going to theater, are going to arena-size, celebrity-driven concerts.  And if they’re not at a big concert, they’re at home watching American Idol or Lost.  None of this is true. Sure, every week tens of millions are streaming Netflix,...

  • March 11, 2010
  • 3

This week is all about the Devised Work convening hosted by the Arena Stage doing their level best to truly be a center for new American play development. They scooped up a raftload of folks not frightened off by DC’s recent uncharacteristic winter weather event and we will be discussing...

  • February 15, 2010