More and more, I remind myself to look out the window of the theater and see if the people on the sidewalk have any relationship to the people or the story on the stage. I moved away from Chicago in June. Saying goodbye to the rough winters was easy. Bidding...
conversation starter
Here’s the first of several spotlights on British stage directors. Have a great remainder of the week! Meet Darren A. Furniss Current Town: East Midlands, UK Theatre Affiliation: Artistic Director of 4FRONT Performance Company 1. What does a director eat for breakfast? I usually don’t eat breakfast so I...
I promise, this is not another premature eulogy for Steve Jobs. I saw this on Google+ this morning. This is an old video of Steve Jobs responding to a critic at the World Wide Developers Conference in 1997, shortly after Jobs returned to Apple. [youtube][/youtube] One thing immediately jumped out...
The non-profit model is living on borrowed time. The current model is dying. Even still, I think we spend more time trying to figure out how to fund a show than actually making the show. Read: The way we make money to make art is not sustainable. Insanity: Doing the...
Here’s this week’s installment of the 2amt director-to-director interview series. Meet Justine Lambert Hometown: Manhattan. Raised in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Current town: Back to my roots in Park Slope. Theatre Affiliation: Artistic Director at The Looking Glass Theatre 1. What attracted you to directing? Like so many of my...
Why did I go into PR? It’s simple, really. I like telling people about things that I’m excited about. Truly and authentically, and that’s it. I’m a music and theater nerd, so I sort of stumbled from oboe performance major and Michael Olmert’s British plays in performance class to student...
Here’s this week’s installment of the director-to-director interview seres. Meet Sabrina Evertt Hometown: Grew up in New Westminster, British Columbia Current town: 17 km (11 miles) west in Vancouver, British Columbia Company: I currently do most of my directing for Twenty Something Theatre, a company I founded in 2006....
Rachel Chavkin, founding artistic director of the TEAM, a devising ensemble, wrote an article on TCG’s blog that asks the question, “What if devised theatre moved from the margins to the mainstream of theatre making?” She makes the case that the slower, cooperative methods involved in a lot of devised...
Here’s this week’s installment of the director-to-director interview series. And in the coming weeks, the British are coming, the British are coming! I’ve rallied some fine UK directors to share their stories. Stay tuned. Meet Jason King Jones Hometown: Nixa, Missouri Current Town: Boston, Massachusetts Theatre/Co: Boston University (currently completing...
Here’s this week’s installment of the director-to-director interview series. Thanks for reading! Are there other questions that you would like to see included in future interviews? If so, add them in the comment section below or email me at … Meet Kristina Lloyd Hometown: Los Angeles Freelance Director. Not currently affiliated...