about 2am

As part of our efforts to solidify the beginnings made last year in the dawn of 2amTheatre.com, we will be rolling out some programmatic additions. Let’s start with: award winning arts maven Suzi Steffen. Suzi will be joining 2amTheatre.com as a contributor, kicking off her stay with us with wall-to-wall...

  • January 25, 2011

I recently had the opportunity to meet up IRL (in real life) with @scottyiseri and @Chris_Ashworth, two gentlemen whose thoughts I have been following regularly through the #2amt hashtag on Twitter. Each time I was astonished, once again, at the value of translating the “idea” of a person… the strange...

  • May 7, 2010
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We don’t normally pay attention to 2pm around here–or time at all, really, since it’s always 2am here–but this afternoon, you’d have been able to join in a chat at TheatreFace with our own 2am summit guru, Nick Keenan. Quite simply, if it weren’t for the ongoing conversations with Nick...

  • February 24, 2010

2am. You’re wondering why this is called 2am.  What does that have to do with theatre? 2am is when the ideas start to flow. The other week, over on Twitter, a group of theatre folk started talking, brainstorming, tossing out ideas and testing to see how they’d float.  Or if...

  • January 31, 2010