
It’s been said that good design is 99% invisible. Heck, that’s the title of one of the best public radio shows/podcasts out there, if you’re curious. But just because it’s invisible doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Yesterday, the Tony Awards announced that they were going to drop the sound design...

  • June 12, 2014

Over the weekend, @NewPlayTV streamed three interesting, presumably unrelated talks. The first was from Steppenwolf’s First Look Festival, titled How to engage 21st Century Audiences for New Plays, followed an hour later by one from the PlayFest at Orlando Shakespeare Theater on How to Make a Living as a Playwright?...

  • November 9, 2011
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Been a while…today we’re going to talk to New York-based lighting designer Natalie Robin.  Take it away, Natalie! I was a dancer from childhood. And then started doing theater in middle school and high school. I thought I wanted to be a director, but I always gravitated towards design. In...

  • October 23, 2011

Previously in this column: The members of Bright Alchemy Theatre, a very young devised theatre company based in Washington, DC, have spent the last nine months working on its new project which began with the question: Why do we as a species feel the need to tell stories about our...

  • September 19, 2011
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Previously in this column: Bright Alchemy Theatre, a very young company devoted to the creation of devised work, decides to begin work on a narrative and thematic sequel to A Cre@tion Story for Naomi, which explored the world’s creation myths. We began this new process with a question: Why do...

  • May 13, 2011

2AMt is a wonderful community of artists from all over the theatre spectrum, but we think it’s high time to give designers a little extra love–so we’re going to check out the big talent and bigger brains of some special designers in a series of designer spotlight posts.  This time...

  • April 5, 2011

2AMt is a wonderful community of artists from all over the theatre spectrum, but we think it’s high time to give designers a little extra love–so we’re going to check out the big talent and bigger brains of some special designers in a series of designer spotlight posts. First up...

  • March 4, 2011

After the first sustained pause in the conversation between (sober) theatremakers the party question of choice is “what is your dream project?” It’s a fun topic and generally it means you don’t have to talk for a minute which limits your probability of saying something stupid. It works best for...

  • June 24, 2010
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We don’t normally pay attention to 2pm around here–or time at all, really, since it’s always 2am here–but this afternoon, you’d have been able to join in a chat at TheatreFace with our own 2am summit guru, Nick Keenan. Quite simply, if it weren’t for the ongoing conversations with Nick...

  • February 24, 2010