
I should be writing other things. And I hate to have two posts in a row reacting to Michael Kaiser’s posts at Huffington Post. But here we are.

Instead, here are some quick reactions to Kaiser’s latest post about social media directly from Twitter.

Social Media on Michael Kaiser

Responses to his latest Huffington Post article, "Taking Advantage of Technology," 4 June 2012

Storified by David J. Loehr · Tue, Jun 05 2012 13:42:18

Once again I disagree w/ MK, if you have good content & are doing social media right you’ll find an audience Miller
@BrookeM1109 It’s clear that MK doesn’t see Twitter & FB et al as anything but broadcast media, which misses the point entirely. #2amtDavid J. Loehr
@dloehr exactly! Plus his point about large vs small orgs is totally wrong #2amtBrooke Miller
E-mail blasts and big websites. The wave of the future. If the future is 2004. #2amt #newplayStephen Spotswood
@playwrightsteve This one, I gotta agree with you, was, like, huh?Peter Marks
@petermarksdrama @dloehr I have a comment pending on that post. Very cogent & polite. But I really just wanted to say UR DOING IT WRONGStephen Spotswood
@GwydionS @playwrightsteve @petermarksdrama @dloehr indy theater is targeted/local, OF COURSE our presence isn’t as pervasive as KennedyCtrsean williams
Maybe the Kaiser posts are really like medieval quest tales. They give you all the wrong clues to test if you’re worthy of the prize? #2amtTony Adams
Watching @untappd co-founder @gregavola on how brewers can use social media. Applies to theatre, too. #2amtDavid J. Loehr
@dloehr @GwydionS @playwrightsteve @petermarksdrama Inside-baseball works better for us. We are homespun/organic by design.sean williams
@dloehr @GwydionS @playwrightsteve @petermarksdrama And we lead with the superfan. We’re marketing snipers, not carpet-bombers.sean williams
Michael Kaiser favors numbers over content in social media I say it’s the other way around #2amtHoward Sherman
@HESherman doesn’t seem like Kaiser really gets it – relationships not sales, information not sales pitches.jodisc
@HESherman There are ways to keep posts alive and make sure info gets to right people with @replies and tags – doesn’t seem to get that.jodisc

  • June 5, 2012
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