2amt Meetup: New Victory
The New Victory Theater, the Drama Bookshop and 2amt are hosting a tweetup on Friday, May 6th.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a noise? If a play is performed in front of a different audience than usual, does it change?
The New Victory Theater presents Mabou Mines’ Peter and Wendy this May. Nicknamed “New York’s Theater for Kids and Families,” the New Vic is perhaps a surprising home for Mabou Mines, a company that initially developed their minimalist, puppet-based production at St. Ann’s Warehouse, New York Theatre Workshop and the Spoleto Festival. The show has played The New Victory twice with great success, but its inclusion in a season programmed specifically for family audiences has raised the question: is there a “right” audience for a play?
If you’ve got an opinion about whether audience demographics influence a production—or should—join us to see a performance of Peter and Wendy for yourself and then debate the question in person over a slice and a glass at the Drama Bookshop. Anyone who wants to talk theater is welcome–come mix and mingle with us.
The New Victory is sponsoring special 2amt tickets. $20 gets you the best available seat—locations assigned day of show*. Call 646-223-3010 to request “2amt seats.” (For anyone who prefers to know ahead of time where they are sitting or would like to sit in the balcony for $14, you can purchase full price tickets over the phone, online or at the box office.)
The Drama Bookshop–newest recipients of the Tony Honor for Excellence in the Theatre!–will host a post-show reception. Everyone is welcome to join us for Two Boots Pizza, wine, a room full of scripts and theater history, and in person conversation.
Peter and Wendy begins at 7pm.
Reception begins at 9:30pm. (Peter and Wendy attendance not required.)
Hosted by
Jamie O’Brien, aka @JamieNYC42. and Katie Carroll, aka @katiecarroll1, The New Victory Theater
The New Vic Collaboratory
The Drama Bookshop and 2amt
Space may be limited, so please RSVP below.
*The fine print:
RSVP above does not guarantee seat. 2amt “Industry Rush” seats available via phone and in person sales only. Limit 2 tickets per customer. If available, additional tickets may be purchased from the box office at full-price ($38, $28, $14). Seating will not be assigned until after 4pm the day of the performance. Tickets will be available at the box office after 5:30pm on Friday, May 6, 2011. All sales are final – no refunds or exchanges. Offer subject to availability. Pending availability, 2amt “Industry Rush” tickets may be purchased at the box office window on May 6th after 4pm with a printed copy of this webpage.