Thesis: Members of the public who care about local produce might be good prospects to attend local theatre. At first I thought I should file this idea away until the northern hemisphere spring; but it will probably take a little organizing to pull off, so why not talk about it...

  • December 13, 2012
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Thesis: Specialty web sites promote hobby awareness and participation. There could be one for playgoers. My two big interests besides playgoing are board gaming and craft beer. Each of these is supported by a number of web sites that collect information and provide a venue for social interaction about their...

  • December 11, 2012
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Thesis: Opportunities to create strong, face-to-face relationships between audience members and playmakers will encourage future attendance and raise awareness of the value of playgoing. Also, if you’re making a go of producing theatre, you probably need all the friends you can make. Idea: Audience members who have already shown up...

  • December 10, 2012
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[Ed Note: This post originally ran on Tales of a Squishy Morph]    We have two Equity theatre companies in the Boston area in devoted primarily to Shakespeare. Commonwealth Shakespeare Company does a splashy outdoor free production on Boston Common every summer, while Actors Shakespeare Project does full seasons of edgy productions in a variety...

  • December 10, 2012
  • 2

Thesis: A group of actors, with very little infrastructure, can create audience engaging, artistically satisfying events. The Actors Salon is a group of actors who gather a few times a year to produce well rehearsed, lightly blocked staged readings in function rooms at restaurants and similar spaces. Audience members are...

  • December 7, 2012

Thesis: People are more likely to spend time and attention on performance activities they have participated in. I’m not a sports watcher, but I fenced saber for a year in college. I’ll take a few steps out of my way during the Olympics to catch a little fencing – even...

  • December 5, 2012

Theatre is too valuable to be wasted on the few. I want more Americans to see more theatre. Lots more. Enough more, that it calls for a ridiculous goal. Here goes. Triple playgoing in America by 2020. I’m convinced we could do it by following three radical strategic prongs: 1....

  • December 4, 2012
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If you’re wise, even just a little wise, you don’t blurt out the literal first thing that comes to your mind. Your first response may be the truest, it may be right, but unfiltered conversation is seldom advisable no matter how entertaining. You of course should always record your first...

  • November 27, 2012
  • 4

More thanks from some of the folks here at 2amt and on the 2amt hashtag on Twitter. Please feel free to join us in the comments section… James Carter, playwright & transmedia artist, New York, NY old sayings new adages remixed ideas pure love authentic actions heartfelt generosity thoughtful words...

  • November 22, 2012