
The following is a piece I wrote about a year ago. I was tired of people assuming that when I talked about attendance being important, I was concerned about ticket revenue. What I was really concerned about was sitting in performances of terrific productions with nine other people and ninety...

  • February 7, 2011
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Indulge me in a little rhetorical drama, I have, on occasion, so indulged many of you. The USA needs theatre. We are a potentially free and democratic people, but when the citizens become disenchanted and politically disengaged, we disenfranchise ourselves and cede leadership to those who can tolerate swimming in...

  • February 3, 2011
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by Heather Bishop Gathered today at the Vortex Theater in Austin, Texas, members of Austin’s theater community watched final discussions from both ideological and practical perspectives.  From Kristoffer Diaz’ points regarding the documentation of diversity efforts in theater and the definition of an American play regardless of accent or region...

  • January 30, 2011

You’re in the profession, but are you a ‘professional’? I like to read mission statements.  In particular, I find it interesting to compare how a company self-identifies against what kind of work it programs.  Just recently, however, while reading the mission, vision, and plans of Fusion Theatre in New Mexico,...

  • January 28, 2011
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