360: The Stories

The first four words anyone said were probably, “Tell me a story.” The next four? “Once upon a time…”

What is a 360? The long version’s here. The short version? You have six minutes, or 360 seconds, to tell a story and bring it full circle. Go.

Check out some selections from our 360st channel at Vimeo.com.

And here’s the livestream of a multimedia 360 event hosted at Strawdog Theatre, Chicago, IL, May 14, 2010…it will be going live at 11pm CST, if I’m not mistaken…

We’ll be adding more stories to the 360st channel as we go along, and we invite you to join in, whether your own or stories recorded at one of your 360 storytelling events.

And if you livestream, we’ll try to include links here for the live show or the archived performances.

Needless to say, all of the stories are property of the storytellers…