
Tonight, more than 70 theatre companies across Canada are presenting staged readings of the play Homegrown by Catharine Frid. Why?

Read J. Kelly Nestruck’s piece about the SummerWorks Festival and how the Department of Cultural Heritage has seriously–and at the last minute–cut funding to the festival. Then read playwright Michael Healey’s post about why artists should be worked up about SummerWorks.

Tonight’s readings are acting as fundraisers for SummerWorks. You can also donate directly to the SummerWorks Festival.

Watch Vancouver’s contribution livestreamed here, performed by Progress Lab 1422–made up of Electric Company Theatre, Boca Del Lupo, Neworld Theatre and Rumble Productions–and stage managed by our own Lois Dawson.

Streaming video by Ustream

  • July 15, 2011