2amt Podcast: A New Curiosity Shop


Beth Burns is the sort of person who is better than you at everything but doesn’t get all showy about it, and that allows you to retain your  dignity. Beth-Burns2 Altogether a nice sort of person to be around. She doesn’t lord her award nominations over you, or her wins, or that she can beat you in arm wrestling

Beth Burns is the artistic director of The Hidden Room, by her phrasing a “theatrical curiosity shop” focused on audience experience. And honestly, she’s very good at it. That skill actually is the prism that makes her current project truly fascinating.

You Wouldn’t Know Her, She Lives in London / You Wouldn’t Know Him, He Lives in Texas opens on Saturday, March 5th and takes place in Austin and London simultaneously via Skype video chat and will also be streamed live to the internet so you can join in. Working with producing partner Look Left, Look Right Productions in the UK and hosted in London by Roundhouse this look at long distance (and cross cultural) relationships this show should have something that interests you whether you get to be in the room on either continent or only join in on the stream.

The Hidden Room | Roundhouse’s Show Page

Roundhouse’s Live Stream Page

The lovers on Facebook:
Ryan Peterson | Elizabeth Watson

Follow the hashtag on Twitter: #TexasLondon

The show runs March 5 & 6 + 12 & 13, 2011, at 8 pm GMT, 2 pm CST.

  • March 4, 2011
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